Saturday, August 22, 2020

8 Fun SAT Test Facts to Give You a Break from Studying

8 Fun SAT Test Facts to Give You a Break from Studying SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Lamentably, reading for the SAT isn’t much fun. There’s actually no real way to make understanding entries or dismembering math issues overly engaging - and trust me, I’ve attempted. However, on the off chance that you’re searching for a brisk break from examining, look at these 8 arbitrary SAT test realities. You may even get the hang of something supportive! Reality #1: SAT doesn’t really represent anything SAT initially represented Scholastic Aptitude Test. Be that as it may, after the possibility that the SAT tried aptitudebecame excessively dubious, the namewas changed to the Scholastic Assessment Test. Obviously, appraisal and test are fantastically excess, so in 1997 the College Board got tired of the entire namingfiascoand concluded that the SAT was currently simply the name of the test, not a shortened form of something different. Truth #2: The College Board once canceledthe test for a whole nation The College Board takes cheating veryseriously. In 2013, ETS, which directs the SAT, discovered that mentoring organizations in South Korea had plotted to acquire the test ahead of time, so theycanceledthe May test date completely. So also, when a gathering of Long Island youngsters were found paying understudies to step through the examination for them they confronted cruel outcomes: criminal allegations. Seoul, South Korea, where some unfortunate understudies had their SAT dropped. Reality #3: There's a play about SAT coaching Jenny Lyn Bader’s play None of the Above is about the connection between a difficulty makingteenager and her SAT guide. I presume the play issomewhat more sensational than the real world, soif you have inquiries regarding coaching I'd recommendtaking a gander at our guide. Certainty #4: The scale on the first College Board test wasbrutal The College Board really originates before the SAT. It was established in 1901 to administercollege explicit tests, which were gradedas Excellent, Good, Doubtful, Poor, or Very Poor. That framework may have beenless confounding than the current scale,but it likewise sounds kind ofharsh! Reality #5: Someone composed a SAT vocabnovel about vampires There’s a whole class of books explicitly intended to assist you with learning vocab words for the SAT, and they sound totally bizarre.Test of Time examines what might occur if Mark Twain's original copy forHuckleberry Finn was traded with an advanced understudy's laptop.Vampire Dreams is basicallyTwilight without the entire sparkling in the sun thing. The audits from understudies aren't caring, so I would prescribe adhering to regularnovels with elevated level vocab words. You're most likely happier just readingDracula.(Len Doc Radin/Flickr) Certainty #6: Stanley H. Kaplan began the principal SAT test prep organization in 1938 At the point when he startedtutoring school destined understudies in his storm cellar in Brooklyn, Kaplancharged $128 per understudy. Notwithstanding impressive interest, he didn'texpand outside of New York until the 1970s. Actuality #7: The SAT began asa military IQ test Before it was utilized for school confirmations, an early form of the SAT wasused by the military to screen initiates during World War I. The primary SAT, which was given in 1926, wasalso a whole lot more troublesome than today’s rendition. Itincludedsections in which the test takerhad to make an interpretation of sentences into a made-up language, judge whetherpropositions were superbly logical,and complete bewildering analogies. I don’t think about you, yet I can’t figure out these analogies. Reality #8:George W. Bramble utilized the SAT as a major aspect of his presidential crusade No, he didn't touthis own scores-those weren't especially great. Rather, he boasted about the 100 point increment in Texas students’ SAT scores during his term as senator. Tragically, that expansion had nothing to do with enhancements in instruction: it was really brought about by the College Board rescaling the test in 1995. What's Next? In case you're experiencing difficulty propelling, have a go at finding out about how a higher SAT score can assist you with getting into the school you had always wanted. Is it true that you are attempting to improve or have really observed your scores go down? Attempt these systems to turn it around. For huge amounts of other free SAT prep assets, investigate the correct sidebar to discover our posts arranged by theme. Disillusioned with your scores? Need to improve your SAT score by 160points?We've composed a guide about the best 5 systems you should use to have a taken shots at improving your score. Download it with the expectation of complimentary at this point: Have companions who likewise need assistance with test prep? Offer this article! Tweet Alex Heimbach About the Author Alex is an accomplished coach and essayist. In the course of recent years, she has worked with right around a hundred understudies and expounded on mainstream society for a wide scope of distributions. She graduated with distinction from University of Chicago, getting a BA in English and Anthropology, and afterward proceeded to gain a MA at NYU in Cultural Reporting and Criticism. In secondary school, she was a National Merit Scholar, took 12 AP tests and scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and ACT. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on the best way to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Finding Musicality in Your Writing

Finding Musicality in Your Writing Every time you put pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard, you are delivering an image to the world. Its an image of who you are and, more importantly, how you communicate. If you want to stand out in written communication, you need to take another important step. You need to add musicality to your writing.What is musicality in writing anyway? Is it special words or phrasing? Is it rhythm or a particular beat? Is it a special combination of sentences? Is it the varied patterns of your words? Its all of these and more. Musicality is your communication brandâ€"who you are as a writer. Musicality is your unique image, but its an image that appears in print instead of as a picture or an item you buy. So, how do you find it?Producing musicality in writing is similar in many ways to what a composer, a painter, a software programmer, or a designer does. It is seeking out and recognizing the unique sound patterns that you alone can produce on paper. That pattern is based on the words you ch oose and how you combine them to create your personal writing melody.Every piece of writing has a rhythm and its own particular beat. If youve ever read a passage in a letter or a research paper, a proposal or brochure, or a novel that you found really stayed with you, youve probably experienced musicality. To explain what happens a bit more precisely, think of attitude. Everything we write has its own special attitude. That attitude is the soul of the writing. A writer wants to communicate some part of himself or herself to an audience. Most writers spend a lot of time seeking the right attitude for a piece of writing. There are different attitudes of course for different audiences and different genres of writing, but the goal is always to express that one best attitude in every piece you write, Musicality must have attitude.To understand attitude better, think of the following scenario. Think of yourself as being in a crowded room and wanting to be heard over the noise. You want p eople to hear what you will say because what you have to say is important. You climb on a chair and start to speak, but you dont yell. You whisper. Everyone looks at you high on that chair and becomes silent. You have them. If as a writer, you create an attitude that works, the readers in the back of your creative room will hear you just as clearly. You will drop a pin in that crowded room, and your readers will be suddenly silent because your pin is a huge diamond. Thats the kind of silence you want in writing. Attitude comes from musicality.To use another analogy, think about the theme of your favorite movie, and then think what that movie would be like if the movie theme were missing and there was only silence as the action scenes raced across the screen. Can you imagine Superman, Star Wars, or Jurassic Park without their musical scores, without their repeating themes? Musicality in writing produces a similar background for your writing. Musicality offers the same flow of scene, emotionality, and direct focus that great movies themes give to great films. Musicality is the rhythm of syllables becoming words, the flow of phrasing that becomes fascinating, and memorable repetitive patterns, or even jolting change that stops you cold. Its that unique sound that comes from hearing just the right word combined in just the right turn of phrase to communicate just the right idea at the right moment.Musicality in writing is a bit like a lyrical song or the repetitive beat in great jazz. It is a pattern you create to communicate an idea. It grabs your attention, holds you in its grasp, and replays in your memory long after the song is ended or the music stops. All of us can remember a special line from a song we loved or a bar of music we hummed. It replays in our heads over and over for hours as we go on with our daily lives. Musicality in writing is the same special combination of sound. Word juxtaposition, phrasing rhythm, and tonal sounds all produce a totality that becomes magical. If you can find such magic in your writing, whatever the goal for your piece, youll have in hand a unique communication that creates an unbroken bond with your reader. That bond can be to a sales letter, a brochure, a statement of purpose, a recommendation letter, a technical explanation, or a scientific abstract â€" it doesnt matter the purpose or the genre or the length. The concept is the same. Once you place your personal style of musicality on a piece of writing, that piece will engage your reader, excite the senses, and be remembered. It will also influence, and its ideas will be handed on to others.Rhythm is a pattern like those you hear in jazz as in Dave Brubecks famous Take Five. That piece has a wonderful precise theme that keeps repeating and reappearing in different arrangements. You remember it. Ive always wanted to write as well as George Gershwin wrote music. Listen to Rhapsody in Blue or An American in Paris sometime, and youll understand music ality. Gershwin delivered an emotion in those pieces that we still can feel today, and he did it with tone and rhythm and musical themes.Musicality is a chosen pattern of words you consciously place in your writing. It lets words move in concert across the page. It can be syllables, or alliteration or use of metaphor or a simile, or a pattern of sounds that you determine is a crazy pattern for your piece. It is a pattern that continues on and joins with itself and is only interrupted when you want it to do so for a specific purpose. When you read aloud a piece that has musicality, it moves easily with highs and lows, and the sounds of the syllables blending naturally to communicate a precise sound you can physically hear, a sound that hopefully matches the theme.As you write, listen carefully to the words and phrases, and sentences you create. Listen for the unique meter or rhythm of your words as your ideas develop and become sentences and then paragraphs. Listen for natural sound breaks too. They will tell you where the idea breaks occur. Listen to your introductory words and notice where you placed them and how the musicality and meaning changed when you changed the placement of certain words. Notice where the rhythm and the flow changes, and ask yourself, Is this what I want right now?You might call musicality the heartbeat of a piece of writing. The heart has its own beat that we all can hear when were quiet â€" ba- dum, ba-dum, ba-dum. Poems have their own heartbeat too. Its called meter. It can be iambic pentameter or singsong, or one of many combinations with different weights for different syllables. Everyday speech has its own rhythm and sound. Listen to people talk when youre at the mall or in a restaurant. That is musicality. Different languages have their own musicality, and all cultures have their own.If you listen to your thoughts as you write them and then listen to the actual sound they make as you edit and revise, youll develop your own brand of musicality. You will conduct an orchestra of ideas. Eventually, youll learn to recognize when your writing is off-key and learn how to rearrange the sounds and rhythms and louds and softs to bring your writing back in tune again. Youll really hear your writing. If you listen well, you will write well and better.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Criminal Justice System in England - 1586 Words

The Criminal Justice System (CJS) is one of the major public services in the country. Across the CJS, agencies such as the Police, the Courts, the Prison Service, the Crown Prosecution Service and the National Probation Service work together to deliver the criminal justice process. The work of these agencies is overseen by three government departments: the Home Office, the Attorney Generals Office, and the Department for Constitutional Affairs. These departments and agencies are working together to reform and improve the criminal justice system in order to: • Prevent and detect more crime • Give victims and witnesses more support • Punish and rehabilitate more offenders The Local Criminal Justice Boards lead on key priorities†¦show more content†¦It is up to the suspect to decide whether or not they do. If the suspect is under 17 the police must find an appropriate adult to be present during any interview. The adult will usually be a parent, family member, carer or social worker. The police will then interview the suspect. If they decide they have enough evidence to consider charging the suspect, the police must then decide whether the case is one that they can charge themselves or whether it requires the approval of a Crown Prosecutor. In less serious, straightforward cases where the suspect admits the offence, the police are permitted to charge the suspect without first referring the case to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). In all other cases a Crown Prosecutor must review the case, decide on the correct charge and give their approval to the suspect being charged. Once a suspect has been c harged they must appear before a magistrates court. The police have to decide whether to release them on bail or whether they should be taken to court in custody. In England and Wales a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court and so should not be kept in custody before trial unless there are good reasons for doing so. • Charging: In most cases, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) will decide whether to charge a person with a criminal offence, and will determine the appropriate charge orShow MoreRelatedCriminal Justice System1524 Words   |  7 Pagesfor the Criminal Justice System is to reduce the crime and the fire of crime. In order to achieve this it is using different agencies and the major of them are the Police, Prosecution, Courts, Prisons and Probation. They all are operating in synchrony for achieving their legal responsibilities and particularly for reducing the level of crime. 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The dual court system of the United States (U.S.) was established through the U.S. constitution. The court systems have a multiple purposes and elements of court. Federal and state court system is what makes up the dual court system of the U.S. Today the U.S. court system is what it is today because of previous legal codes, common law, and the precedent it played in the past. Making the U.S. court system a vital role in t he criminal justice system.. A courtRead MoreEssay on Criminal Rehabilitation in the United States Justice System1640 Words   |  7 Pagesbut we go on spending billions of dollars in order to lock up more and more people. We have become the country with the highest incarceration rate in the industrialized world. (National Criminal Justice Commission) This quote from Dave Kelly shows many of the issues with the United State’s criminal justice system today. The prison population is increasing because prisoners are being taken in at a higher rate than they are released. Also these prisons have become dangerous; inmates are exposed toRead MoreCourt History and Purpose873 Words   |  4 Pagesunlawful criminal acts. No matter what they are all handled and disputed in a court of law. Courts are empowered to make fair and binding decisions upon the facts that are received. There are two types of courts; civil court and criminal court. It is very important that people understand and know the differences between civil and criminal courts. Civil courts handle resolutions between private parties and usually consist of one party suing the other for some type of monetary damages. Criminal courtsRead MoreCriminal Justice Essay1358 Words   |  6 Pagesclock to about A.D.900. Therefore, we begin with a brief history of the evolution o f four primary criminal justice officers—sheriff, constable, coroner, and justice of the peace—from early England to the twentieth century in America (Ken, 2006). English and Colonial Officers the Law: All four of the primary criminal justice officials of early English-the sheriff, constable, coroner, and justice of the peace there was a lack of established practice in the United State. Accordingly, it is importantRead MoreInternational Criminal Justice Trends1122 Words   |  5 Pagescurrent International justice system trends Federalism reigned in most of the regions and this dictated that the national justice system had to handle any criminal case that could have risen. The atrocities such as genocide have broken the barriers and have become a global outcry and this has warranted the formation of the International Criminal Court that is based in Hague. This signifies the need to fight crime as a joint effort thus coming up with international law. Truth and justice commissions have

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nestle vs Cadbury - 5506 Words

2 NESTLE vs CADBURY An Evaluation of the Marketing Mix of Nestle and Cadbury Submitted to: Ms Shalini Gupta Submitted by: Chaitanya Hiremath Roll no - 370 2012 Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (Delhi University) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, a student of Shaheed Bhagat Singh College make a humble attempt to present my research project. It gives me immense pleasure to thank and extend my gratitude to Ms Shalini Gupta for extending her valuable time and continuous support in completing this project. I also avail this opportunity to convey my sincere thanks to all the sources of reference. I hope that this project, with all its contents, will serve its true purpose, cater to the needs of all. Contents OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 3 THE INDUSTRY†¦show more content†¦The category is largely consumed in urban areas with a 70% skew to urban markets and a 30% to rural markets. Hard boiled candy accounts for 20%, Éclairs and Toffees accounts for 18%, Gums and Mints and lozenges are at par and account for 13%. Digestive Candies and Lollipops account for 1.5% share respectively. Overall industry growth is estimated at 2.5 % in the chocolates segment and sugar confectionery segment has declined by 3%. The Indian Chocolate market can be sliced into four parts. 1. Moulded Chocolate Segment - comprising slab chocolates like Dairy milk chocolates, etc. These are made by pouring the ingredients into moulds. 2. Countline Segment - comprising bars like 5 star, Bar One, Perk, Kit Kat, etc. These have ingredients other than chocolate and are usually Bar shaped, making for chunky bites. 3. Choco-Panned Segment - comprising chocolate forms like Butterscotch, Nutties, Tiffins, etc. Panned variety has different cores/centers which are covered with a layer of chocolate. 4. Sugar-Panned Segment - comprising chocolate forms such as Gems, Chocolate à ©clairs, etc. These generally have a sugar coating on the outside. INTRODUCTION TO NESTLE Nestlà © is the worlds leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company. It is committed to increasing the nutritional value of its products while improving theShow MoreRelatedMarketing Strategy of Nestle vs Cadbury1313 Words   |  6 PagesASSIGNMENT ON MARKETING STRATEGY OF NESTLE VS CADBURY (COMPARATIVE) [pic] PRESENTED BY: SWATI SAXENA SWATI SINGH URVASHI DUBEY TASMIYA Group:33 MANAGEMET OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SHRI RAMSWAROOP GROUP OF PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES What is marketing strategy? Marketing strategy  is defined by  David Aaker  as a process that can allow an organizationRead MoreConfectionery Industry Analysis for Kraft-Cadbury1161 Words   |  5 Pagesconfectionary market till around 2008 was dominated by 9 multinationals namely Cadbury, Ferrero, Hershey, Kraft, Leaf, Mars, Nestle, Warner-Lambert, Wrigley 2009 data Company | | Net Sales in billions | | Number of employees | | Number of factories around the world | MARS Inc | | $16.50 | | 65000 | | 1353 | Nestle | | $11.39 | | 283000 | | 4563 | Ferrero Group | | $8.99 | | 21600 | | 18 | Cadbury | | $8.81 | | 47000 | | 64 | Kraft foods | | $8.83 | | 98000 | |Read MoreKraft Food Incs Hostile Takeover of Cadbury3336 Words   |  14 Pagescompetitors of Kraft are Nestlà © S.A.; Unilever; ConAgra Foods, Inc.; Groupe Danone; H.J. Heinz Company; Sara Lee Corporation; etc. One of the worlds fourth biggest suppliers of chocolate and sugar confectionery is Cadbury, which merged with Schweppes in 1969. One of its products, which is Dairy Milk and it is very successful molded chocolate in UK. The main products of Cadbury are bars, drinks, ice-cream and desserts, cakes and biscuits. The major competitors are Nestle, Mars, and Philip MorrisRead MoreMarketing Philosophy of Nestle2200 Words   |  9 Pagescompany achieve its aims and objectives which are outlined in a mission statement. Introduction to Nestle Nestle is a globally recognised organisation founded by Henri Nestle in 1866 in Switzerland. Nestle claim to be the ‘worlds leading nutrition, health and wellness company’ and their mission is ‘Good Food and Good Life’. the Swiss organisation employee 280,000 people around the world. Nestle has a vision of ‘meeting the needs of the consumer everyday by marketing and selling food of a consistentlyRead MoreAnalysis of Kraft Foods Inc.4016 Words   |  17 Pagesas well as return on equity. Comparing Kraft to its competitors reveals that they struggle to create as much value from their raw materials as some other companies in their industry do. They are also much less liquid than the industry leaders, Nestle. One thing they do very well is turnover their inventory, doing so nearly seven times per year. Through this analysis both internally and externally it can be seen that Kraft performs strongly as a company. In certain categories they are leadersRead MoreInternal Analysis and SWOT Analysis - Case study2002 Words   |  9 Pagescentre managers to variances so that they can take appropriate corrective action or justify the new level of spend. At all stages the Senior Management team of Kraft is fully aware of any material variances that are derived from comparing actual spend vs. budgeted figures. Despite the bad economic conditions of the world around, Kraft foods is making good earnings from its market involvements via its products and brands. The company is delivering high quality earnings to its shareholders despiteRead MoreExternal Analysis for Kraft Foods2730 Words   |  11 Pagessegments: Kraft Foods North America, Kraft Foods Europe and Kraft Foods Developing Markets. Kraft Foods is the second largest food and beverage company in the world after Nestle. Its portfolio consisted of 11 brands which earn Kraft foods more than $ 1 billion worldwide. The brands includes: Oreo, Nabisco and LU biscuits; Milka and Cadbury chocolates; Trident gum; Jacob and Maxwell house coffees; Philadelphia cream cheese; Kraft cheeses ; Oscar Meyer meats (Trefis, 2011). At December 31, 2010, it hadRead MoreEssay about Porters 5 Forces and Pest Analyses of Kraft Foods2064 Words   |  9 Pages 5. The degree of rivalry among competitors (high) Kellogg holds 34.2% of the cereal market. This is a large percentage considering there is a greater demand for cereal nationwide. Other significant competitors are General Mills, Hershey, Nestle, and PepsiCo. (Kraft Foods Annual Report 2011). PEST analyses represent macro-environment: 1. Political In 2011, political upheaval in Egypt forced Kraft to suspend operations there (Just Food 2/11). Of the 300 workers, 250 joinedRead MoreCadbury : Brand And Marketing Strategies Essay3826 Words   |  16 Pageschose Cadbury as Cadbury is one of the leading confectionary brands around the world and they have a long history of making chocolates. Cadbury also has a few advertisements and marketing strategies that we can work with and we would like to find out the secret behind Cadbury’s overwhelming popularity. Company’s background and information Cadbury is a multinational confectionary company and has its roots in Birmingham, United Kingdom. It was founded as a grocer’s shop in 1824 by John Cadbury whereRead MoreCadbury Scweppes Swot and Environments14542 Words   |  59 Pagesorganisations: 15 Direct and Indirect Competitors. 15 Swot Analysis: 15 Segmentation Criteria: 17 Marketing Cadbury Marvellous Creations Jelly popping candy beanies chocolate to South Africa and Germany: 17 Geographic: 17 Demographic: 17 Psychographic: 19 Motives 19 Lifestyles 19 Behavioural: 19 Occasion 20 Readiness to buy the product 20 Benefits 20 Attitude 21 Marketing Cadbury Milkybar chocolate to New Zealand and Saudi Arabia: 21 Geographic: 21 Demographic: 22 Psychographic:

Marketing Management End Term Report Free Essays

string(45) " for customer dissatisfaction or harassment\." Marketing Management End Term Report – FLIPKART Sumeet Tayal, BM-B-115 Debroop Sengupta, BM-B-076 Nikhil pandey, BM-B-095 Husain Jafar, BM-B-081 INDEX S. No| INDEX| PAGE| 1| ABSTRACT| 2| 2| INTRODUCTION TO E-COMMERCE| 2| 3| APPROACH OF ANALYSIS| 4| 4| SITUATION ANALYSIS| 5| 5| COMPETITOR ANALYSIS| 13| 6| CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR| 19| 7| SEGMENTATION, TARGETING, POSITIONING| 23| 8| ANSOFF MATRIX| 24| 9| BRAND BUILDING| 26| 10| SWOT ANALYSIS| 29| 11| FUTURE MARKETING STRATEGY| 30| ABSTRACT The paper includes detailed analysis of the strategic and marketing plan of Flipkart for its operations within the e-retailing industry. Detailed macro environmental analysis has been performed to understand Political, Economic, Social, Technological and Legal factors that play a vital role in the development of Flipkart. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Management End Term Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also the paper includes detailed competitor and consumer analysis that has helped us in understanding the current marketing strategy and in formulating future marketing framework for flipkart. The report objectives and the structure of the report will consist of three main sections that will enable us to recommend a strategic direction to flipkart, these are: 1. To establish background information on flipkart’s current strategic position 2. To investigate, analyze and evaluate flipkart’s external and internal environment 3. To generate strategic options that flipkart could adopt, derived directly from the internal and external analysis BRIEF HISTORY Flipkart is an Indian electronic commerce company headquartered in Bangalore and was established in October 2007 by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal. The Company has shown promising growth over the last two years but is facing increasing competition from new entrants setting up an online presence and current e-retailers such as Amazon and EBay, which are increasing their geographical and product scope. Both the founders are the alumni of Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and worked for Amazon. com before quitting and founding their own company. Initially they used word of mouth marketing and social networking websites to popularize their company. A few months later, the company sold its first book on flipkart. com – John Woods’ Leaving Microsoft to Change the World. Within two years through word of mouth of their services, Flipkart became one of the top 100 Indian sites and was credited for being India’s largest online bookseller with over 7 million titles on offer. Flipkart broke even in March 2008 and claims to have had at least 100% growth every quarter since its founding. The store started with selling books and in 2010 branched out to selling CDs, DVDs, mobile phones and other electronic gadgets such as cameras. Flipkart has since then raised two rounds of funding from venture capital funds Accel India, in 2009, and Tiger Global Management to the tune of 10 million USD, in 2010. In December 2010, Flipkart acquired WeRead, a social book discovery tool from Lulu, a US-based on-demand publishing firm. The stated goal was to give Flipkart a social recommendation platform for buyers to make informed decisions based on recommendations from people within their social network. INTRODUCTION TO E-COMMERCE E-Commerce transactions, particularly in the business-to-consumer (B2C) domain, are on an upswing in India, as both businesses and consumers realize the benefit of online transactions. According to a report by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IMAI) e-commerce business in India is expected to grow by 47% to reach Rs 46,000 crore in 2011. Another report by Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) confirms that e-retail market currently stands at 2000 crore and is growing at a steady annual rate of 35 per cent, expected to contribute about 6 per cent (Rs 2,700 crore) by the end of 2011 to the overall e-commerce business. The industry in India is likely to be worth Rs. 7000 crore by 2015 due to increasing availability of broadband services and increasing internet penetration across the country. Also, the relative ease of online payments through credit cards or through Internet banking facilities – has enabled rapid growth in e-commerce transactions. The B2C E-commerce industry can be classified broadly in several categories as below: 1. Travel, comprising travel aggregators, tour operators, hotels and railways 2. E-tailing, comprising online retailers and online auctions 3. Classifieds, comprising jobs, matrimony, property, automobiles and the general category 4. Paid content subscription, comprising research, articles and exclusive videos 5. Digital downloads, from Internet to mobile phones APPROACH FOR ANALYSIS We have adopted â€Å"A marketing oriented approach to strategy formulation and evaluation† (Source: Wind and Robertson 1983 p. 16) and designed the approach for analysis of Flipkart Marketing Model. â€Å"A marketing oriented approach to strategy formulation and evaluation† (Source: Wind and Robertson 1983 p. 16) Under this model we have selected the following tools for situational analysis and environment scan. The analysis phase has been categorized as internal and external scan. In the internal environment scanning phase we have selected the supply chain model analysis, the resource based view analysis and the financial analysis. In the external environment scan phase we have adopted specific marketing tools and approaches including PESTEL analysis, Market Analysis, Competition Analysis and the GE Matrix. The analysis is to be summarized through SWOT analysis model. From the outcome of the analysis of the environment scan, key strategic challenges and constraints will be identified. The step will be followed by generation of alternatives in marketing strategy for Flipkart. The scope of the project will also include TOWS Matrix and Ansoff Matrix and development of Methodology for selection of suitable alternatives for Flipkart in future. PESTELE factors| Key Points| Relevance to Flipkart. com| Political| Government Investment in Infrastructure to increase high speed internet penetration in India| Increase in internet penetration means larger potential customer base for flipkart. | Policies to promote E Commerce in India, increasing the competition in the E-commerce Retail segment| Comprehensive framework implementation based on culture and policy by the government will result in increased awareness of and reliability on e-commerce, increasing the opportunity for flipkart to increase its business. | | Rules, regulations and standardization for consumer data security, payment related security and for customer dissatisfaction or harassment. You read "Marketing Manag ement End Term Report" in category "Essay examples" | The lack of policy has kept many internet users away from using e-commerce. Improved policy and regulation means free, faster and reliable internet and payment services, an opportunity for flipkart to exploit the opportunity to maximum. | In order to analyze the market for ecommerce and its future prospects in India and scope for Flipkart in emerging Indian market, several levels of market research will be conducted to under the trend of the consumer behavior. The team has also proposed to reach out to the leaders of the business, suppliers, channel partners and competitors to gather information about the business and marketing processes. SITUATION ANALYSIS The external environment is referred to as the macro-environment. This includes the broad environmental factors which will affect organizations at various levels. It is important to consider the potential impact of the external factors on the individual organizations. PESTEL analysis is used to identify how future trends in the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal environments might influence an organization (Johnson et al, P65). PESTELE factors| Key Points| | Relevance To Flipkart. om| Economic| Internet penetration in retail segment| Online retail industry is worth 7000 Crores in India. The buying and selling industry is valued at 2000 crores and is steadily growing at the rate of 35 Per cent. (Source ASSOCHAM). Details about consumer’s online shopping trend in Appendix 1. | Better market prospects for Flipkart. Have to tap potential customers who research about the product online but buy it from stores| | Disposable Income/ Per capita income| Real Average house hold disposable income has doubled since 1985. It is expected to grow from 113,744 in 2005 to 318,895 by 2025. There will be a further increase in India’s Middle class. Seekers to rise from 5 per cent in 2005 to 41 per cent in 2025. India to become the largest consumer market by 2025. | Higher disposable income, growth in middle class and a high consumer market will benefit flipkart in its venture in online retail. | | Rising fuel costs and worsening traffic conditions| Fuel costs have risen in India| Conducive for growth of Online shopping. | PESTELE factors| Key points| Relevance to Flipkart. om| Technological| Person 2 Person transaction technologies| Safer transaction with third party involvement would fuel e commerce growth| | More devices for accessing internet| More sources of information. | | Banking Technology| Safer and ease of online transaction would increase online shopping trends in India| PESTELE factors| Key Points| Relevance to Flipkart. com| Social| Online social networking| Easily available feedbacks and reviews leads to complete and transitive information to the consumer. | Safer online transactions| Safer online transaction helps in increase the potential customer for flipkart| | Terrorist activities| People are motivated to do online shopping instead of visiting the public places – retail stores| Analysis We also need to consider the following data and trend for better understanding and analysis. (The Data has been simulated and graphically represented using Minitab) Year| Users| Population| % Pen. | 1998| 1,400,000| 1,094,870,677| 0. 1 %| 1999| 2,800,000| 1,094,870,677| 0. 3 %| 2000| 5,500,000| 1,094,870,677| 0. 5 %| 2001| 7,000,000| 1,094,870,677| 0. 7 %| 2002| 16,500,000| 1,094,870,677| 1. %| 2003| 22,500,000| 1,094,870,677| 2. 1 %| 2004| 39,200,000| 1,094,870,677| 3. 6 %| 2005| 50,600,000| 1,112,225,812| 4. 5 %| 2006| 40,000,000| 1,112,225,812| 3. 6 %| 2007| 42,000,000| 1,129,667,528| 3. 7 %| 2009| 81,000,000| 1,156,897,766| 7. 0 %| 2010| 100,000,000| 1,173,108,018| 8 . 5 %| Year| online purchase (in crore)| 2006| 80| 2007| 120| 2008| 190| 2009| 280| 2010| 410| 2011| 560| Government is anxious to promote Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) within private and public sector organizations (including the government itself) and the Internet and e-commerce more generally within society. This is seen as the wave of the future and one which, ramified through the ‘new economy’, is seen as essential for international competitiveness. Internet usage has been rising steadily. In 2009, 63 million Indians are using the Internet (defined as anyone who uses the internet once a month), representing a mere 5. 2% of the country’s population. A survey conducted recently by the e-Tech group of IRB International and IAMAI for 2009-2010 (which also covered 100 SMEs among households, individuals and cyber cafes in 31 Indian cities) shows some interesting results. It appears that a growing number of Internet users live in India’s small- and medium-sized urban centers and not in metros as is commonly perceived. Of the total users in 2009, for instance, 34% lived in the top 8 metros, 18% in large towns, 12% in towns with 5-10 lakh population and a surprising 36%, the largest group, in towns with below 5 lakh population. Compare this to the year 2000, when only 5% of the total Internet usages (itself an abysmal 5 million users) was attributed to towns with population of less than 5 lakh people. Clearly, the desire to be connected and use technology is widespread. The delivery of government services via the Internet, e-commerce, and ease of access to information, popularity of social networking among youth, a higher presence of e-kiosks, mobile phone penetration and affordable plans from ISPs are all contributing factors to this phenomenon. Government in India has been working primarily on two parameters related to the policy to promote e-commerce in India. Culture| Trust| Distrust developing countries’ businesses by developed countries’ consumers; Cannot establish relationships| | | Corruption| Consumers of developing countries distrusted by developed countries’ businesses| Patterns of Communication| Cultural and physical distance promotes distrust; Lack of infrastructure may prevent relationships all together| | | | | Policy| General Commerce| Differing policies from different countries; Different tax laws, intellectual property, and trans-border information sharing| | | Specific to E-Commerce| Concerns regarding receiving payment or products; Lack of funds available for infrastructure development; Country policies on copying/stealing| | | | | Government policies to improve E-commerce regulations and policies The government is aware of the increasing misuse of the electronic media and online frauds. Therefore, the government of India has passed the Information and Technology Act to keep a check on the transactions carried on via the electronic media and to make the process of Ecommerce safe and reliable. The Act imposes heavy penalties and punishment on those who try to misuse this channel for personal benefit or to defraud others. The law has also established the authentication of the electronic records. Increase in the Cybercrimes in Ecommerce is causing concern among the credit card users in India. There are three major participants in the e-commerce i. e. business enterprise, customer and governments. The potential of growth of E-Commerce in business to customer segment cannot be easily predicted. However, with the advent of time, transactions at business to customer level, Government to business level and government to customer level are going to pick up. The potential for growth of e-commerce is linked with reliability, security and to other electronic networking environment. The growth will depend on the kind of industry, product involved and the type of customer-supplier relationship necessary to preserve or to develop. The consumers are generally concerned about: 1. Confidentiality of any information which they provide 2. Identity of the seller 3. The competition is open and the market is not artificially distorted. On the net, a single person can create many web sites and market the same product at different prices. 4. The goods are delivered at the correct place and the correct time. 5. The goods delivered correspond to the description, quality and quantity for which he has effected payment. 6. He has effective grievance system and legal remedies if anything goes wrong. E-Commerce raises questions about the application of existing regulation concerning contract law, consumer protection, competition policy, intellectual property rights, dispute settlement mechanism, tax laws etc. Rise in Disposable income Real Average house hold disposable income has doubled since 1985. It is expected to grow from 113,744 in 2005 to 318,895 by 2025. There will be a further increase in India’s Middle class. It will swell from the current population of 50 Million to 583 million by 2025. Seekers and Strivers population to rise from 5 percent in 2005 to 41 percent in 2025. Urban population will contribute 2/3rd of the consumption growth over the next 20 years. (Source: MGI: Bird of Gold May 2007) Rise in Fuel costs Fuel prices have increased by over a 100 Percent in the last decade, giving rise to an increase in logistics cost for companies and travel costs for consumers. The increase in fuel prices has subsequently fuelled the growth of online retailing industry in India. Source: http://www. mypetrolprice. com/fuel-price-chart. aspx ) Indian Banks too have been very successful in adapting EC and EDI Technologies to provide customers with real time account status, transfer of funds between current and checking accounts, stop payment facilities. ICICI Bank, Global TRUST BANK AND UTI-Bank also have put their electronic banking over the internet facilities in place for the upcoming e-commerce market speed post also plain to clone the federal express story with online package status at any moment in time. Online social networking The social aspect of a company is about connecting with the consumer in an effective way so that the consumer can contextualize with the product. Online social networking provides a very suitable platform to the online shopping portals to build relationship with its users. Trust is built over a period of time via small, fruitful encounters online. Moreover, the infrastructure of the Internet now enables the sharing of information among networks at a velocity and scale that has been impossible in the offline world. Applications like product reviews, recommendations and ratings have emerged as the most popular social media. They enabled customers to find out what their peers were thinking, and provided valuable user data and feedback to the retailer which could be reviewed in â€Å"real-time. † Ninety percent of people trust recommendations of friends above any form of advertising. Social networking sites also provides a very suitable audience for advertising as the internet savvy people on the social networking websites are the most potential customers. Below are the findings of a survey conducted by flipkart on Facebook on its page: Here are the other social networking websites that Flipkart has leveraged to its advantage for advertising and publicity. Overall internet transactions Safer Online Transactions: The â€Å"risk† associated with online transactions has always been a major concern for the consumers while doing an online transaction. But with emergence of better security provided to the online transactions, the risk has been substantially reduced in the recent years. Moreover, with the emergence of certified platforms for online transactions ike Bill Desk, VeriSign, PayPal etc. the online transactions by its nature have become safer. But despite this there still exists a huge portion of population which is vary of making payments online. The online shoppers base as on April 2011 in India is estimated to be about 34. 5 million, a good 6. 5 million bigger than last year’s figure of 28 million. However, of all t hese online shoppers, only 22% (or 7. 72 million) actually ‘buy’ online. The balance 78% online shoppers only search for products online and then probably buy them offline. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS Although flipkart initial product offerings were limited to books with a very low starting range but by 2011 the company diversified to electronic gadgets, software and health care products. At present it offers a wide range of products including mobiles, movies, cameras, computer games, portable music gadgets and personal items. The success of flipkart is an indication of changing consumer behavior in India. The growing access to internet and confidence in online transactions has prompted major players to move in ecommerce. The segment in India has considerable presence of brands offering online purchase options to its customers while retail trading portals are more popular because of the wide range of products availability. Global brand like eBay is very popular for its products and prompt services. eBay has strong brand presence also and high level of consumer confidence in metros. The major media houses have also ventured into online trading through their news portal platform and with gradual success of the endeavor the portals have emerged as separate entities. The Times of India group has launched Indiatimes shopping which has products categorized in 26 main categories. Equipped with strong customer support team, supply chain and lucrative deals the website is emerging as a popular shopping destination. Indiavarta is an initiative taken by Indian Express Group on similar lines. In comparison to Indiatimes shopping, Indiavarta has a sleek appearance with optimum usage of color in the portal page. However, the consumer needs to search desired product through links. Homeshop18, an initiative from Network 18 group, emerged as a popular choice in online shopping domain. Ecommerce: Product Range Analysis for key players in India. e-Commerce Portal India| Antiques| Apparel| Arts| Baby Care| Books| Camera Accessories| Cars Accessories| Computer Accessories| Consumer Electronics| Fashion Accessories| Food| Game CD/DVD| Gifts| Health Care Beauty| Kitchen Appliance| Jewellery| Lingerie| Mobile| Movies| Music | Personal Care| Picture| Real Estate| Sports Accessories| Toys/ Soft Toys| Travel Tickets| 20north| | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | ? | ? ? | 99Acres|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | ? |   |   |   | a1book| | | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | amazon| | ? | | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | ? | ? | | balgopal| | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | bigfang| | | | | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | | | | | | | ? | ? | ? | | | | | | | bigflix| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | ? | | | | | | | bindaasbargain| | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | caratlane| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | | dealsandyou| | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | | dealsivore| | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | | dell| | | | | | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ebay| ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | ? | ? | ? | edigiworld| | | | | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | | | | | | | ? | ? | ? | | | | | | | egully| ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | ? | ? | ? | ezone| | | | | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | | | | | | | ? | ? | ? | | | | | | | Fernsandpetals| | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | | firstcry| | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | flipkart| | | | | ? | ? | | ? | ? | | | ? | | ? | | | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | | | | flykingfisher| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | goair| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | goindigo| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | grabbon| | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | | homeshop18| | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | ? | ? | ? | hushbabies| | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | indiagiftportal| | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | | Indianairlines| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | indiaplaza| ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | ? | ? | ? | Indiaproperty|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | ? |   |   |   | -Commerce Porta l India| Antiques| Apparel| Arts| Baby Care| Books| Camera Accessories| Cars Accessories| Computer Accessories| Consumer Electronics| Fashion Accessories| Food| Game CD/DVD| Gifts| Health Care Beauty| Kitchen Appliance| Jewellery| Lingerie| Mobile| Movies| Music | Personal Care| Picture| Real Estate| Sports Accessories| Toys/ Soft Toys| Travel Tickets| indiatimes Shopping| | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | ? | ? | ? | infibeam| | ? | | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | | ? | ? | | | | | ? | ? | ? | | | | | ? | | inkfruit| | ? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | jetairways| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | jetlite| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | kidloo| | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | landmarkonthenet| ? | | | | ? | ? | | ? | ? | | | ? | ? | ? | | | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | | ? | ? | mydala| | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | | myntra| | ? | | | | | | | | | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ngaloriginals| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | Pantaloons| | ? | | | | | | | | | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | | | | picsquare| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? |   | | | | Rediffshopping| ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | ? | ? | ? | saffronart| ? | | ? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | seventymm| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | ? | | | | | | | shop. in| | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | ? | ? | ? | shoppersstop| | ? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | snapdeal| | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? snapfish| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? |   | | | | sosasta| | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | | spicejet| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | spicejet| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | strapsnstrings| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | suratdiamond| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | | taggle| | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | | talash| | | | | | ? | | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | | | | | ? | ? | ? | | | | | ? | | tradeus| | ? ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | | ? | ? | ? | utsavsarees| | ? | | | | | | | | ? | | | | | | ? | ? | | | | | | | | | | victoria’s secret| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? | | | | | | | | | | zoomin| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ? |   | | | | Amazon. com: Amazon. com Inc. (AMZN) is a leading global Internet company and one of the most trafficked Internet retail destinations worldwide. Amazon is one of the first companies to sell products deep into the long tail by housing th em all in numerous warehouses and distributing products from many partner companies. Amazon directly sells, or acts as a platform for the sale of a broad range of products. These include books, music, videos, consumer electronics, clothing and household products. The majority of Amazon’s sales are products sold by Amazon, with the remaining amount from third-party sellers. Amazon was founded in 1994 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington. It has direct international operations in the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Since 2004, Amazon has begun to rapidly expand its web services arsenal. Products such as Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and Amazon S3 (Simple Storage System), Amazon Route 53 have been large successes. Some of Amazon’s recent acquisitions include Shopbop (2006), Abebooks (2008), Zappos (2009), LOVEFiLM (2011). As of Q1 2011, Amazon has approximately 137 million active customers worldwide. It was also reported that there are 2 million merchants selling on Amazon equaling a third of the total listings. North America currently represents 55. 4% of sales with the other 44. 6% in the International market. eBay. com: Founded in 1995 in San Jose, Calif. eBay connects millions of buyers and sellers globally in the world’s largest online marketplace, utilizing PayPal to ensure secure transactions. The company also operates specialized marketplaces such as StubHub, the world’s largest ticket marketplace, and eBay Classifieds sites, which together have a presence in more than 1,000 cities around the world. eBay items can be sold either via a silent auction, in which users input the maximum price they are willing to pay and for which the site will automatically increase bids as necessary up to that maximum, or via â€Å"Buy it now,† with which they purchase items at a set price. Bay products and companies include eBay Marketplace, Media Marketplace, Skype, PayPal, half. com, MicroPlace, Shopping. com, Rent. com, Stubhub and various online classifieds. Infibeam: Infibeam. com owns and operates an e-commerce retail portal www. infibeam. com as well as customized products portal www. picsquare. com. The company also provides e-commerce and interactive marketing services to brands, retailers and media companies in India and internationally. The company’s technology services include e-commerce engine with a set of configurable features and functions that enables Web store functionality, such as shopping cart, product presentation, and merchandising. It also offers a wide range of Web store management tools along with a host of services such as fulfillment, customer care, interactive marketing, and online advertising and design. Infibeam. com was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The online trading services are primarily focused on products consumer electronics, apparels, gifts, books etc. But there are niche segments like photography, property, food and ollectibles. Within the product range of flipkart it faces competition from infibeam, landmarkonthenet, a1books and global player amazon. An analysis of Google trend traffic shows that since inception the growth of internet traffic in flipkart has been considerably higher than its domestic competition. The trend comparison between flipkart and amazon shows that the internet traffic in amazon has remained static during last 12 months while the same for flipkart has been increasing. The analysis shows that during the last 12 months the flipkart internet traffic has grown by 250%. (Internet traffic Trend: Amazon Vs Flipkart) CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR The concept of Business or consumer model for internet marketing in India can be described through traditional framework of transaction alternatives. The internet offers additional degrees of freedom where buyers and sellers can interact seamlessly. In B2C, Business to Consumer Model, the companies create market their products directly to the consumer while in B2B, Business to Business, the business relation is between two organizations. Source: Business or Consumer Model, Internet Marketing Strategy, Implementation Practice, Prentice Hall (Second Edition, 2003) Flipkart model is built on the model B2C. The consumer can browse through the options of wide range of books, mobiles, movies, music, games, cameras and computers and avail attractive offers from the seller on price and delivery. The consumer behaviour within the domain of web based marketing differs in a distinct way than conventional marketing. The consumer has wide variety of choice from plethora of options that the webs offer. The products and services are customised to the needs of the consumer and placed at an attractive price. Last few years there has been considerable progress in understanding the behaviour of the consumer in ecommerce domain. These studies have lead to the development of tools and techniques to study the customers. As per the e-marketing strategy (Ian Chaston, 2001), this range from simple attitude and usage studies through to the development of complex multivariate equations that define the relationship between sales and all the variables within the marketing mix. Ian Chaston identifies that one way of approaching the modeling process ia to assume the buyer behavior is divided into five different phases. A five phase Consumer Purchase Process (Source: Ian Chaston, 2001) Need recognition is the most important step for purchasing process for a consumer. It depends of internal and external stimulus that results in need recognition. Need of a consumer cannot be created but can be invoked by the aid of stimulus. This has prompted the ecommerce companies to adopt brand promotion through different channels. The ecommerce has found its success rooted in the growing consumer confidence in web based security and trust on online marketing companies for their reliable service and customer support. The reason of success can also be attributed to low price of the products that are offered in the online market place. For the suppliers who have always supplied their goods through their own supply chain now finds it easier to sell them through online mall. It on one side reduces significant cost of operations and on the other hand the cost benefit is delivered to the final consumer. The web based marketing companies reaps the benefit of the low cost offering of products and services. We have analyzed the models from pure economic approach. From the operational effectiveness, that is merging the marketing and distribution network for the consumer goods the web based marketing can offer a price benefit to the final consumer. This results in a shift from brick model to the click model for the consumers. The consumer now can avail the benefit of minimized cost and effort for their purchasing process. In fact once a consumer avails the benefit of price it considerably reduces his/her WILLINGNESS TO PAY for the similar product or services. For example, if one consumer purchased a set of new story books worth Rs. 500 from flipkart at a discount of 10%, then in future he would not like to pay an extra amount to buy similar books. Positioning- In order to understand the positioning of flipkart, it is important to nderstand the consumer behaviour in India for eCommerce. Reliability plays very important role in purchase decision of the buyer. So flipkart had to address the issue in the first place. Small transactions of Rs. 100 and efficient supply chain management helped to build flipkart the consumer confidence and resulted in flipkart to grow through customer acquisition and retention. Flipkart succeeded in es tablishing itself as a cost effective eMarket for books and subsequently for electronic gadgets and health products which has a reliable supply chain for delivery of items. The aesthetics of the graphical user interface is simple and user friendly and easy to search so flipkart is able to provide its consumer a superior experience of shopping. Simplicity is a key parameter for web portals to attract consumers. One more marketing strategy flipkart adopted that placed it in a reliable zone in consumers’ mind is the COD service where consumer can pay after the receipt of the consignment. Positioning- In order to understand the positioning of flipkart, it is important to understand the consumer behaviour in India for eCommerce. Reliability plays very important role in purchase decision of the buyer. So flipkart had to address the issue in the first place. Small transactions of Rs. 100 and efficient supply chain management helped to build flipkart the consumer confidence and resulted in flipkart to grow through customer acquisition and retention. Flipkart succeeded in establishing itself as a cost effective eMarket for books and subsequently for electronic gadgets and health products which has a reliable supply chain for delivery of items. The aesthetics of the graphical user interface is simple and user friendly and easy to search so flipkart is able to provide its consumer a superior experience of shopping. Simplicity is a key parameter for web portals to attract consumers. One more marketing strategy flipkart adopted that placed it in a reliable zone in consumers’ mind is the COD service where consumer can pay after the receipt of the consignment. Targeting- During the initial phase of flipkart, it targeted book lovers who have access to internet and purchase them online. The market size was small due to low penetration of internet in India and low consumer confidence in online transactions. However, with increase in product range flipkart now aims at larger audience based in metros and tier 1 cities with high income and comparatively less spare time. The idea of trading electronic consumer items, health products and kitchen appliances depicts its objective of delivering values to customers in terms of opportunity to choose from various categories and enjoy superior delivery service at an affordable price. The target customer segment also includes people who do not have easy acc ess to book store or shopping outlets for the products or family members have little or no time to purchase the utilitarian products for the households. The target age group falls within 15 to 65 with high income group having access to internet and are comfortable with online transactions. V Targeting- During the initial phase of flipkart, it targeted book lovers who have access to internet and purchase them online. The market size was small due to low penetration of internet in India and low consumer confidence in online transactions. However, with increase in product range flipkart now aims at a larger audience based in metros and tier 1 cities with high income and comparatively less spare time. The idea of trading electronic consumer items, health products and kitchen appliances depicts its objective of delivering values to customers in terms of opportunity to choose from various categories and enjoy superior delivery service at an affordable price. The target customer segment also includes people who do not have easy access to book store or shopping outlets for the products or family members have little or no time to purchase the utilitarian products for the households. The target age group falls within 15 to 65 with high income group having access to internet and are comfortable with online transactions. V Segmentation – The primary segmentation of consumer base is on the basis of access to the internet and purchase product and services online. In the initial phase flipkart product portfolio was dominated by categories of books. From the product approach the customer segmentation was based on demo graphics. Age, gender, Location, reading preference of consumers would be the attributes to segment the customer base but with diversification of portfolio flipkart needs to understand in depth the variation in consumer behaviour for its roducts. Flipkart has taken up a more customer centric approach to develop its product range. This product range includes electronic gadgets, mobile, camera, music players and personal and health care products. These diversified product range compels to segment the market in terms of family income, family composition, job engagement, disposable income, music preference, games addiction, computers and electronic gadget density, food preference, washin g frequency, hobbies, expense on hobbies etc Segmentation – The primary segmentation of consumer base is on the basis of access to the internet and purchase product and services online. In the initial phase flipkart product portfolio was dominated by categories of books. From the product approach the customer segmentation was based on demo graphics. Age, gender, Location, reading preference of consumers would be the attributes to segment the customer base but with diversification of portfolio flipkart needs to understand in depth the variation in consumer behaviour for its products. Flipkart has taken up a more customer centric approach to develop its product range. This product range includes electronic gadgets, mobile, camera, music players and personal and health care products. These diversified product range compels to segment the market in terms of family income, family composition, job engagement, disposable income, music preference, games addiction, computers and electronic gadget density, food preference, washing frequency, hobbies, expense on hobbies etc SEGMENTATION, TARGETING AND POSITIONING Russell Haley’s Benefit Segmentation of Online Retail| Segment Name| Discount seekers| Time Savers| Availability seeker| Variety Seekers| Principal Benefit Sought | Lower price| Time saving by avoiding going to a store| Easy availability of a specific product| Variety to chose and compare among different products| Demographic Characteristics| Middle income group| Urban, Professional| Tier II cities, Remote areas, Suburbs| Urban youth| Special Behavioral Characteristics| Price-sensitive| ————-| ———-| Choosy| Brands Disproportionately favored| Flipkart, snapdeal| flipkart| Flipkart| flipkart, pantaloons, landmarkonthenet| Personality Characteristics| | Type A personality| ———| High self-involvement| Lifestyles| Value Oriented| Busy| Rural Semi-Urban| Gadget freaks| PRODUCT MARKET EXPANSION GRID| | Existing Products| New Products| Existing Markets| Market Penetration Advertising (Books) Books available in regional languages now Higher discount through improved operations Cash on delivery Over 40 lakhs books now | Product Development Introduced new products like Electronic Gadgets, DVDs, Home Appliances and Healthcare products Enhanced Variety of books| New Market| Market Development Penetration to Rural and Semi-urban areas Even where courier services are not available, market is catered though Govt. Postal service)| Diversification _______________________ | The flipkart has diversified its product portfolio from books to electronic gadgets and now moving towards the general home appliances with foray of personal healthcare products. Clearly the shift in its strategy is to leverage the value from the supply chain with different and high margin products. Initially when flipkart has started its operations its products were limited to books. The customer for books through online marketing is very limited. Although it operated on the same e-Commerce model that was not very successful in India. We observed the model with which the major domestic competitors of flipkart operate in India were not very different. But what was strikingly different in its website design and robust delivery model. After the recent rebranding of the flipkart, the brand has generated much hype within its consumer base. The internet traffic trend shows that the popularity in terms of hits on the website is on increasing trend and is expected to throw a tough competition to Amazon in near future in Indian soil. Figure: Brand Perception Mapping for flipkart and major competition The brand is rated high in both trustworthiness as well as value for money by aware consumers. The credibility of the organization has been developed through relentless effort in improving its customer centric model. Starting with a minimal transaction of Rs. 100 book, the company has growth in leaps and bound through retaining customers and acquiring new of them. BRAND BUILDING The challenge for flipkart is now more strategic than operational. And more emphasis lies on the marketing strategy. The diversification of the product portfolio has opened new sets of customers for flipkart who was not their previous customer before. We understand from our research that the customer behavior differ widely even in the ecommerce scenario in case of purchase of books to purchase of electronic gadgets or home appliances. Flipkart needs to identify correct medium to communicate to its target customers on the wide range of products. Flipkart primarily communicates with its customer via small television ads, online advertising and periodic print ads. Now in view of the online marketing the target audience needs to be identified to choose right mix of portals for effective visibility. 849,853 849,853 One major area of visibility is social network. Flipkart has already built a brand within a consumer base that is young, earning and ready to spend online due to extreme scarcity of time. Social media is an effective brand building opportunity for flipkart. We propose to start a brand building campaign through the social media platform and eventually after buzz generation and initial awareness campaign the program will have a nationwide launch in other portals and media as well. The rationale behind selecting this campaign is that the core business of the company is based on building consumer confidence in e-Commerce and supply chain of the company. In order to do this we have benchmarked some famous campaigns. These campaigns as known as†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. , do not directly address the consumer to buy the product or services instead it speaks about some socially relevant issues and creates awareness about the same. In case this campaign successfully launched the outcome of the campaign would fetch in long term return for the company. It will reinforce the brand loyalty and respect amongst the consumer and associate trust factor with flipkart brand name. If we closely observe the Tata Tea Jago Re campaign, the message of the advertisement hints strongly on a socially relevant issue such as corruption but delivers the message of tea drinking with a fine note through the statement â€Å"ab se khilana bandh pilana shuru† Similarly we observed that despite the fact that Johnny Walker is a liquor company but it conveys a strong message about life via its message in its advertisement. Many brand worldwide talks about voice of youth, voice of women and youth power. These brands create a strong impact on consumer perception. Here brand becomes more important than product. Proposed flipkart campaign SWOT ANALYSIS| | | | STRENGTHS| WEAKNESS| 1) Diverse product protfolio. 2) Strong Logistics. 3) Easy customer interface. 4) Cash on Delivery options| 1) No physical Presence in India. 2) Online presence only in India. 3) No market presence in tier 2 cities. | OPPURTUNITIES| THREATS| 1) Growing rate of E-commerce in India. ) Government support to increase internet penetration. 3) Increased Consumer Spending in India. 4) Safer and easy online transactions. 5) Increase in Social Networking in India| 1) Strong competition from Companies who have physical presence and are venturing into e-commerce business. | FUTURE MARKETING STRATEGY We propose to project flipkart as a brand identity that consumer would perceive with trust, commitment and delivery. The campaign would direct t owards building national commitment against corruption, indiscipline and ‘doing your own business well’ thoughts and ideas. One big challenge the company is facing is to gain trust of the consumers who would invest for gadgets or home appliances. Instead of approaching the same way the company had garnered consumer confidence from books of low financial value to high value items. Instead the company would try to build a perception of trust through this campaign. PROMOTION The company has to identify proper domain to promote itself to the right consumer. The consumer of books differs significantly from the consumer of video games. The behavior of each type of consumer would vary as per their need and want. However, the company needs to identify domain that would be The individuals who will be target consume for the game and console would be frequent visitors of online gaming companies (e. g. zapac, EZ games, minimax etc) or will visit Sony, Nintendo for product information. Flipkart need to eye the domains that these game lovers frequently visit or the domains that divert these surfers to the specific websites and promote their brand through online branding and advertisement. PRODUCT PORFOLIO DIVERSIFICATION The company needs to identify the product diversification opportunity to leverage on the cost benefit of the supply chain option. The company needs to build in more robust design to its ensure its operational ability. In comparison to its foreign competition the company do not enjoy the products with high profit margin but in view of growth aspiration the company needs to incorporate those product items in the portfolio for. We have developed 2 step strategies to approach the entire product spectrum that can be offered online. This would ensure that with robust model it will be difficult for any new entry to compete with the services of flipkart. Antiques| Cars ; Accessories| Gifts| Watches| Apparel| Computer ; Accessories| Health Care ; Beauty| Shades| Arts| Consumer Electronics| Kitchen Appliance| Movies| Baby Care| Fashion Accessories| Jewellery| Music | Books| Food| Lingerie| Personal Care| Camera ; Accessories| Game CD/DVD| Mobile| Picture| Travel ; Tickets| Toys/ Soft Toys| Sports ; Accessories| Real Estate| Phase I| | Phase II| | Phase III| SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL The company at present has 3 storage locations in India. In order to incorporate maximum reach the company may follow the following options 1. Create more channel partners and outsource operational activities with trusted vendors. 2. Incorporate rural reach through postal service of government of India 3. Increase the location storage capacity. Introduce sub-location storage fog highly demanded components. ADVERTISING AND BRAND BUI LDING STRATEGY From our research, we concluded that still there is dearth of awareness about flipkart in its target market segments. The company has to work extensively in advertising and brand building propositions. TELEVISION: As per our research, the target customers of e commerce i. e. youth in the age of 20-35, have lower affinity towards regular television series. Hence if Flipkart eyes Advertising via television media then the prime focus should be advertising in sports events. EVENT: Flipkart should work on extensive marketing in colleges across the nation. The advertising campaign can range from sponsoring major events of the college, to distributing goodies to spread awareness. The company can also arrange for book stall in colleges to increase visibility of the Brand. PRINT MEDIA: Flipkart can work on advertising via print media. Advertisement using pictorial ads as well as using editorial based articles can be used for making the people feel secure while ordering products using flipkart. This will also help in increasing the visibility of the brand within the potential customer. INTERNET: Recently, Flipkart has taken a bold step in advertising via the internet medium. Its huge presence can be felt by its advertising in majority of websites and social networks. | PROACTIVE NEED IDENTIFICATION Leveraging Market Information system Flipkart uses its Market Information System to display relevant choices to the customer based on the items recently viewed by the customer, best seller items and top new releases. Flipkart should focus more on proactively identifying the â€Å"need† of its existing customers, i. . customers who have already purchased a product from Flipkart and hence has provided his/her email id. It should work on a database management system that can recognise the need of customers. For eg. If a customer orders a camera, then Flipkart can send him relevant mails on arrival of different accessories for the camera. However, care should be taken so as to not flood the mailboxes with too much information i. e. the perception of the consumer shoul d be such that all mails/information from Flipkart are relevant to him. How to cite Marketing Management End Term Report, Essay examples

Friday, April 24, 2020

Serial Killers Programmed To Kill Essays - Murder, Misconduct

Serial Killers: Programmed To Kill? Serial killers are one of the most fascinating and morbid groups of people to study. A serial killer as defined by Brian and Wilfred Gregg in The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers is someone who kills 3 or more people with sufficient time intervals between each known as a cooling off period. The style and motivation of the killings can vary greatly. I choose serial killers for this project because the idea of someone killing another human being on numerous occasions seemed so out there, so fringe, it just had to be studied. Listen to this letter from one of this centuries most infamous serial killers David Berkowitz (1976-1977) AKA Son of Sam. I am deeply hurt by your calling me a weman-hater. I am not. But I am a monster. I am the son of Sam. I am a little brat. When father Sam gets drunk he gets mean. He beats our family. Sometimes he ties me up to the back of the house. Other times he locks me in the garage. Sam loves to drink blood. Go out and kills commands father Sam. Behind our house some rest. Mostly young - raped and slaughtered - their blood drained - just bones now. Pap Sam keeps me locked in the attic too. I can't get out but I look out the attick window and watch the world go by. I feel like an outsider. I am on a different wavelength then everybody else - programmed to kill...... Mr. Borelli, sir, I don't want to kill any more. No sur, no more but I must, honour thy father. I want to make love to the world. I love people. I don't belong on earth. Return me to yahoos. To the people of Queens, I love you. And I want to wish all of you a happy Easter. May God bless you in this life and in the next. And for now I say goodbye and goodnight. Police: Let me haunt you with these words: I'll be back. I'll be back. To be interrpreted as - bang, bang, bang, bang - ugh. Yours in murder, Mr. Monster. This letter was found at the scene of one of his crimes. He went on to kill 5 more people, mostly in cars parked in lover's lanes. To view serial killers as a fringe group, you must first understand them as a group. To do this I will present some common traits of serial killers, followed by the classifications of male and female serial killers and specific examples of each. Once I have sufficiently grouped serial killers as a whole and then as smaller groups in that whole, I will explain what is being done to predict serial killers, who becomes a serial killer and why? There is no way to tell exactly how many serial killers there are active at any one time. Do to modern technology, particularly transportation, it is often hard to connect two seemingly separate murders. Most experts agree with Holmes and DeBurgers estimate of victims of serial murders at 3,500 to 5,000 per year. From this the estimated number of serial killers active today is 350, or 7 per state. This estimate is based on research that shows most serial killers murder between ten and twelve individuals, over several years. However, Peter Wortington, author of The Journalist and the Killer, states the infamous serial killer Ted Bundy could be responsible for as many as 100 murders. Who are they? Common Traits *Holmes and DeBurger, the author of Serial Murder, state that serial killers in general fit the description of a psychopath very well. The title, psychopath has been recently replaced by the phrase ASPD, anti-social personality disorder. *The inability to love, which is often considered to be the core of ASPD is especially evident in the serial killer. *The serial killer is unable to develop deep meaningful relationships and thus their care for people in general is greatly decreased. In short, the serial killer is lacking those traits which help us to get along with others. *Highly impulsive and aggressive behavior is another part of the serial killers psyche, and studies show that they require more thrills than normal people *Just like young children, they must constantly be in search of new entertainment. Comparing a serial killer to a young child, however, is not fair to the child. Young child may pull the legs off of

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Beverly Buchanan and Frank Lloyd Wright

Beverly Buchanan and Frank Lloyd Wright The film called Magnificent Obsession: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Building and Legacy in Japan examines the experiences of Frank Lloyd Wright in Japan as well as his impact on Japanese architecture (Severns and Mori n. p.). While exploring the greatest monuments in Japan, such as a school, an embassy, and hotels, the documentary introduces viewers into the marvelous architect’s genius and his obsession with Japanese culture.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Beverly Buchanan and Frank Lloyd Wright specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The great architect was devoted to Japanese culture and draw aesthetic inspiration from buildings. In addition, the film discloses Wright’s great interest in the vernacular of shrines, temples and homes. Viewing these conventional structures, the artist found the validation of the organic design principles that have been developed by Wright for almost a decade. In contrast to Wr ight’s functional architecture, Buchanan’s vision on the scope of architecture is more associated with utility. The video begins with the analysis of Japanese culture within an 1890-2004 period. While carefully investigating a hundred-years experience, the author tried to inherit the main elements of Japan architecture. However, Wright still provides his insights into this vernacular architecture. Being involved in the ethnic and cultural tendencies of building, Wright pays attention to functional elements of architecture and attempts to create a multifunctional space where all parts of a construction are united in one whole. Judging from the video depicting Wright’s greatest masterpieces, the architect tries to strike the balance between rendering the essence of architecture through aesthetic implications and its utility. At the same time, he denied some important functional elements like door, believing that they cannot be regarded as an inherent component of a construction. Wright’s vision of architecture rigidly juxtaposes the one presented by Beverly Buchanan, a famous African American artist. Although she also depicts vernacular architecture in African, the buildings painted and sculptured in her work are more reminiscent of utilitarian tendencies. However, the true functionalism of Buchanan’s architecture does not deprive her sculpture of their aesthetics and ethnic elements. Apparently, the functionalism itself is a part of African culture comparing to those presented in Japan where the priority is given to refined forms and space allusions.Advertising Looking for essay on architecture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, one cannot consider the artist works less aesthetic and sculptural. From theoretical point of view, the practice of â€Å"aesthetics† as presented by both great artists is aimed at improving appearance. In this regard, both Wright’s and Buchanan’s works disclose the historic value of art and aesthetics of sculpture (Sayre 78). Hence, depending on the role a particular work plays, the sculpture should be, first of all, accepted by the audience that can evaluate its actual value. In conclusion, a deep analysis of Buchanan’s sculptures and painting, and Wright’s architecture reveals new dimensions and goals pursued by the art. In particular, it puts forward the idea that the construction of a three-dimensional space involves the architect’s intention to combine physical characteristics, technological advances, and decorative elements. In this regard, Wright’s works are more impacted by the Japanese vernacular art where the priority was given to rendering aesthetics, but not utility. In contrast, Buchanan works are more oriented on utilitarian architectural tendencies. One way of another, both artistic movements are directed at demonstration the historical an d cultural heritage of a particular civilization. In this regard, though the artist’s works are deprived of decorative elements, they still preserve an aesthetic value. Magnificent Obsession: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Buildings and Legacy in Japan. Dir. Karen Severns and Koichi Mori. Perf. Donald Richie (voice), Kismet Productions, 2005. Sayre, Henry M. A Word of Art. US: Pearson Education, 2009. Print.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Celebrate Marriage With These Love Quotes

Celebrate Marriage With These Love Quotes You dont need a marriage to legitimize your relationship. Marriages are sacred vows and hence should be undertaken only when two people in love are willing to enter into a lifetime commitment. Without love, there cannot be a happy marriage. After years of commitment and togetherness, boredom can set in. Only love can help bind the couple and keep them happy forever. Here are some marriage love quotes to help rekindle the passion of love in marriage. Love Quotes for Rekindling Your Marriage Georg C. LichtenbergLove is blind, but marriage restores its sight. Groucho MarxSome people claim that marriage interferes with romance. Theres no doubt about it. Anytime you have a romance, your wife is bound to interfere. Harriet MartineauAny one must see at a glance that if men and women marry those whom they do not love, they must love those whom they do not marry. Mark TwainLove seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century. Tom MullenHappy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry. David BissonetteI recently read that love is entirely a matter of chemistry. That must be why my wife treats me like toxic waste. Benjamin FranklinWhere there is marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. James GrahamLove is blind and marriage is the institution for the blind. George Bernard ShawIt is most unwise for people in love to marry. Pauline ThomasonLove is blind marriage is the eye-opener. Tom MullenHappy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry. Ellen KeyLove is moral even without legal marriage, but marriage is immoral without love. Will DurantThe love we have in our youth is superficial compared to the love that an old man has for his old wife. Pearl S. BuckA good marriage is one, which allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love. Nathaniel HawthorneWhat a happy and holy fashion it is that those who love one another should rest on the same pillow. Michel de MontaigneIf there is such a thing as a good marriage, it is because it resembles friendship rather than love. MoliereLove is often the fruit of marriage. Mignon McLaughlinAfter the chills and fever of love, how nice is the 98.6Â º of marriage! Langdon MitchellMarriage is three parts love and seven parts forgiveness of sins. Mignon McLaughlinLove requires a willingness to die; marriage, a willingness to live.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Human Rights and Anti-Terrorsm Legislation Essay

Human Rights and Anti-Terrorsm Legislation - Essay Example The primary Human Rights document in the United Kingdom is the Human Rights Act 1998. The Human Rights Act 1998 received royal assent on November 9, 1998 and came into force on October 2, 2000. The objective of said Act was to harmonize the domestic law of the United Kingdom with the European Convention on Human Rights and to provide for stricter human rights guarantees to be followed by all states. The provisions on free speech, freedom of assembly and due process all impact heavily on the criminal justice system in the United Kingdom. On the other hand, the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 was passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom in November of 2001, a mere two months after the historic 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. Criticized by many for the undue haste in its passage, with concerns of political pressure being raised, the law in its original form contained passages that human rights groups deemed to be violative of established human rights principles. Amidst the outrage surrounding the 911 attacks, the Anti-Terror Law was heralded as a measure to combat the worldwide phenomenon of terrorism and to arrest its spread and development. Legal scholars and free speech advocates, however, unite in condemning the law for trampling constitutionally-protected liberties. There is also the possibility that the law might give rise to or at least encourage racial profiling, particularly the provisions on proscription of terrorist organizations. It might further alienate minority groups and exace rbate the political violence by radicalizing "moderate" groups. Human rights advocates scored a victory when the Law Lords ruled that a provision in the Law allowing the indefinite detention of foreign terrorist suspects was contrary to human rights principles. Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead, in his ruling, said: "Indefinite imprisonment without charge or trial is anathema in any country which observes the rule of law." This decision was reached when nine detainees lodged their appeal before the Court. Indeed, due process is a fundamental principle of human rights. Criminal justice in any mature society always involves a balance of two competing interests: the need to protect the rights of the accused, and the need to combat crime and instill peace and order in society. "Legally, a crime is any act or omission proscribed by the criminal law and thus punishable by the state through the criminal justice system" (Davies, Croall and Tyrer, 2005) Legal systems in the civilized world - whether in civil or common law jurisdictions -- have, at least in theory, given primacy to the rights of the accused, understanding that ambiguity should be resolved in his or her favor. The anti-terror legislation of the United Kingdom unfortunately appears to have forgotten this notion. This comes as little surprise, certainly, given its beginnings that would make many a human rights advocate flinch. Post-911 anti-terror legislation in the UK is heavily laden with the baggage of American anti-war rhetoric which in turn smacks of prejudice, bigotry and an abject refusal to honor human rights prin

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Health Care Delivery and Insurance System Essay

Health Care Delivery and Insurance System - Essay Example This paper analyses the health care delivery system as to whether it is broken or not Even though there are more than 40 million Americans who are not insured but still a major part of the gross national product of the nation is spent on health care (Iglehart, 1999). If the present problem has to be solved then it is essential that some changes take place in a lot of health financing systems (New York Academy of Sciences, 2000, pp. 1-14). The system should be best in all ways which means that the use of medical dollars should be made in an efficient way with provisions for improved medical care ostentation and promoting innovation. The new system should also incorporate quality with efficiency in prices of health care along with productive competition. The present system of health care which is driven by market and the existent governmental semi-National Health Insurance (NHI) Medicare and other Medicaid programs do not meet the requisites of best health care provisions (Brodenheimer, 1999; Riley, 2001; Pear, 2002; Krugan, 2002). Many countries are in problems due to a single payer for the nationalized health care and regular deficiency of patient selection (Krauz, 2002). 8. Areas which require attention The following areas put forward by different authors require immediate attention by the Congress government: 1. The people belonging to uninsured groups and those who are underinsured should be given immediate attention. 2. Politically and combative prescribed welfares (Jensen and Morrisy, 1999; Perez, 2002). 3. Imbalanced tax handling for health funding should not be the criteria. 4. Insured do not have any alternative to plans and providers. 5. Wayward financial bonuses for the insurance industry(Austin, 1984; Kuttner, 1999; Newhouse et.all, 1981 and Krauz, 2002) 6. Low financed and mystified Medicaid plans (Pear, 2002). 7. Inadequate national clinical tests and deficiency in limitation of preventable mismanagement suits (Institute of Medicine, 2001). 8. Unreasonable rivalry by hospitals burdening their own patients with varied amounts for indistinguishable services should not be the objective. Also the discrepancy in the amounts charged by pharmaceutical companies to individuals and small organizations should be done away with (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Apart from those mentioned above there are many areas in the health industry which require immediate attention of the creators. The Congress should create tax incentives which are individual in nature with permitted universal disastrous coverage so that the above mentioned discrepancies are removed. Discussion With reference to the number of individuals who are not insured, it only means the American medical system is a complete failure. Actually whatever be the kind of Medicaid it must have a provision for unforeseen